  1. The Doxology

From the recordings SACRED and The Doxology

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Based on the hymn “Awake My Soul And With The Sun” by Thomas Ken (1695) in the public domain,
arr. Jean Watson © 2018 Rootbeer Bunny Music (BMI), Billy Smiley – Meet You Halfway Music / ASCAP

As I researched the origin of the words we know as the ‘Doxology,’ I discovered that they were originally part of two hymns intendedfor morning and evening worship in a British boarding school! I took some themes from the other eleven verses in the morning hymn and reset them in contemporary english. Billy Smiley suggested adding the bridge ‘Praise Him all nations, Praise Him’, and he was so right!


Awake, my soul, and with the sun the King of love now bids me come to shake off fear and joyful rise my life a willing sacrifice

To God alone I lift my heart and with the angels take my part who day and night unwearied sing high praise to the eternal King

Singing alleluia, alleluia Singing alleluia, alleluia

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow praise him, all creatures here below praise him above, ye heavenly host praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

And when the darkness veils your face we trust in your unfailing grace
by faith in you still we hope though battles rage you won’t let go

When crashing waves drown out your voice your love we hear above the noise
no threat of war or tempest strong
can match the joy of heaven’s song

Singing alleluia, alleluia Singing alleluia, alleluia

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow praise him, all creatures here below praise Him above, ye heavenly host praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Praise him all nations praise him Praise him all nations praise him (repeat)

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow praise him, all creatures here below praise him above, ye heavenly host praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Praise him all nations praise him Praise him all nations praise him (repeat